Clash of clans: Pak vs India With popular TH 9 bases

Clash of clans: Pak vs India With popular TH 9 bases
The fighter vs The heroes.. i know its very hard to say we lost the battle but we tryed our best as you see there was 2 TH 10 and 1 TH 11 but our side none of us TH 11 any ways the main reason was our few players didnt attack thats why we lost .. Music by T-series all...

Clash Of Clans Free Accounts

Clash Of Clans Free Accounts
as we promissed here we are..😀 1. godwin47@gmail.compass:GoDwIn4774 2. alishadsilva99@gmail.compass:crazygirl23 3. dnzslash@gmail.compass:danzil67 4. cqueen98@gmail.compass:ckingcqueen1221 5. mannolcrasta34@gmail.compass:AKAstarbo...

Town Hall 9 Unbeatable War Base Layouts Dec updates 2017/18

Town Hall 9 Unbeatable War Base Layouts Dec updates 2017/18
Every clash of clans player wants a war base which makes other players attacks on the max 1 or 2 stars limits and most player tryed very hard to find them but some players finds and some have no luck so today am gonna show you 7 TH 9 bases which you never find them...

Builder Hall 4 to 7 Unbeatable bases 2017/18

Builder Hall 4 to 7 Unbeatable bases 2017/18
Base Design matters a lot in Versus Battles – it is responsible for half of your success and no matter how good you are at attacking, if your base gets constantly wrecked you won’t be able to get into the higher Trophy Ranges where the loot is good. Builder Hall...

Town Hall 10 All Type Of Layouts 2017/18

Town Hall 10 All Type Of Layouts 2017/18
It’s time for a new base design. All recent base designs I featured here have become very popular so that they can be beaten by more and more people. I gathered together the latest solid base designs for TH10, War Base Layouts and Farming Base Layouts. All bases are...

Town Hall 9 All Type Of Layouts 2017/18

Town Hall 9 All Type Of Layouts 2017/18
I gathered the latest solid base designs for Town Hall 9, War Base Layouts and Farming Base Layouts. I got many emails/comments recently about featuring some solid TH9 Base Layouts, so I thought you might appreciate a post with some good ones I found. All bases are...

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