This first BH5 Base Layout is fresh because it offers a design away from the most-used diamond layout and it will defend your Builder Hall at any cost, you can consider this base an Anti-2-Star Base.
The bottom side of the base will separate the tanks from the other units because the Storages will slow everything except Giants down with their high hitpoints while they will go for the Air Bombs and Cannons.
One key of this base are the Archer Towers on long-range mode, so make sure to get them upgraded with the highest priority!
Builder Base 5 Design with funneling
Here’s another interesting base layout I found very helpful. The general layout requires your attacker to scout carefully as it’s nothing you’ll see often out there. The sections on the outside are stuffed with the defenses and they will deal so much damage that it’s impossible to get a 2-Star attack by trying to just walk straight for the Builder Hall.
However, trying to get some defenses down will slow down the troops a lot because there are tons of walls in between, you’ll attacker won’t get good results and many of them will even fail to get more than a very low 1-Star attack 🙂
Builder Hall 5 Anti-2 Star Base
I like this base a lot because it will force your opponent to do things he don’t want to do. Attacking from the upper side of the base is simply a bad idea, so like 80% of the attackers will come in from th southern part and know it will be impossible to get through to the Builder Hall.
No matter how careful your opponent will deploy his troops, you will see them get smacked down fast and the Crusher is the last guard in front of your Builder Hall. Evene when choosing to go from the upper side, the Pull Traps will put troops into the Crushers’ deadly zone 🙂
BH5 Layout With Strong Perimeter
Another base that will drive your opponent crazy is this one here with a very open and wide perimeter. The reason? The defenses on the outside are distracting Giants and the layout makes it impossible to snipe the Builder Hall (however, lots attackers will think they can!).
Also mass Barbarians attacks will fail because they will walk into the Crusher sooner than the attacker might expect and the whole attack fails. I’ve seen a lot of entertaining defensive replays from this base.
Anti 3-Star Base Layout BH5
This base has a great feature that most attackers don’t have in mind when attacking. They will break through the wall on the back and think the Builder Hall is an easy target.
They forget that Giants will then start walking around the base to the front instead of hitting the walls for the inside compartment.
The bottom side of the base will separate the tanks from the other units because the Storages will slow everything except Giants down with their high hitpoints while they will go for the Air Bombs and Cannons.
One key of this base are the Archer Towers on long-range mode, so make sure to get them upgraded with the highest priority!
Builder Base 5 Design with funneling
Here’s another interesting base layout I found very helpful. The general layout requires your attacker to scout carefully as it’s nothing you’ll see often out there. The sections on the outside are stuffed with the defenses and they will deal so much damage that it’s impossible to get a 2-Star attack by trying to just walk straight for the Builder Hall.
However, trying to get some defenses down will slow down the troops a lot because there are tons of walls in between, you’ll attacker won’t get good results and many of them will even fail to get more than a very low 1-Star attack 🙂
Builder Hall 5 Anti-2 Star Base
I like this base a lot because it will force your opponent to do things he don’t want to do. Attacking from the upper side of the base is simply a bad idea, so like 80% of the attackers will come in from th southern part and know it will be impossible to get through to the Builder Hall.
No matter how careful your opponent will deploy his troops, you will see them get smacked down fast and the Crusher is the last guard in front of your Builder Hall. Evene when choosing to go from the upper side, the Pull Traps will put troops into the Crushers’ deadly zone 🙂
BH5 Layout With Strong Perimeter
Another base that will drive your opponent crazy is this one here with a very open and wide perimeter. The reason? The defenses on the outside are distracting Giants and the layout makes it impossible to snipe the Builder Hall (however, lots attackers will think they can!).
Also mass Barbarians attacks will fail because they will walk into the Crusher sooner than the attacker might expect and the whole attack fails. I’ve seen a lot of entertaining defensive replays from this base.
Anti 3-Star Base Layout BH5
This base has a great feature that most attackers don’t have in mind when attacking. They will break through the wall on the back and think the Builder Hall is an easy target.
They forget that Giants will then start walking around the base to the front instead of hitting the walls for the inside compartment.