Builder Hall 4 Base Layouts

Anti 2-Star With Push Traps BH4 Layout

This Builder Hall 4 layout is the logic expansion of the popular BH3 layout that uses the double layer walls. Boxer Giants will always walk towards the open spots and there’s no way to get the Builder Hall without investing most of the troops. The open spots are extremely difficult to come by, because the push traps will push into the Crusher, the Spring Traps are directly behind so it’s likely that your opponent will lose 2-3 Boxer Giants in the beginning and the other troops will get taken down extremely fast. I’ve never seen this base lose more than 1 Star, except if the attacker has well-upgraded Baby Dragons.

Dave’s Builder Hall 4 Layout

Dave sent me his base layout a couple of days ago and I tried it at around 2000 Trophies and saw great results. The Crusher is not centralized, but this helps trapping a lot of attackers as they will start their attack and then die hammering on the walls.

Builder Hall 4 Anti 2-Star Layout

This is another modification from the double layer protection base design. This one will also rely on the Crusher protecting the base and forcing the attacker to go into the first compartment and lose many Giants. Actually, one of my favorite designs and I hate attacking it myself.

The Funnel BH4 Defensive Layout

This base has a nice general layout. The Crusher and the Double Cannon will be the main element of your defense. The attacker is forced to go for one of them and get crushed by the other. Losing the Builder Hall is almost impossible, since all the defenses have it in range.

In case an attacker wants to enter from the back, he will see that funneling is his worst nightmare because the troops will always go for the back (and Giants go into the Push Traps and Spring Traps).

Never seen someone getting more then a 60% 1-Star attack against this base at around 2000 Trophies.

My BH4 Base Layout

This is the layout that I created myself when getting to Builder Hall 4, inspired by the open cross design. The nice thing is that the walls do nothing else but funnel and most attackers attempt it with all Archers (and never get more than 1 Star).

I used this layout to push to 2000 Trophies and only lost a few Versus Battles mostly by well performed air attacks.

Anti-Baby Dragon BH4 Layout

When you push to 2400+ Trophies, you will see more frequent Baby Dragon attacks – here’s a base that I found very effective.

Your attacker will always attempt to get the Firecracker down and also start with baby Dragons around the Crusher. The Firecrackers are well-protected and the Crusher is covered by the Hidden Tesla and the Archer Tower.

There’s no way to get more than 1 Star out of this base with Baby Dragons and it also holds up well against Giants with Archers 🙂


Defending is a very important part in Versus Battles and having a solid base can help you get a lot of victories, even if you mess up an attack and get a low result. These bases here are all proven to get good results up to 2500+ Trophies and I used all of them myself for at least 20 Versus Battles to see how they perform.

Thanks for editing: EnchinsuOcha


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